Our canopy-style awning recently installed at Phuket’s world famous #catchbeachclub.Jul 6, 2018Everyone loves the “marine look” of our timber & stainless steel columns. We design, we fabricate, we install, and we ship …. anywhere! #timbercolumns #shadesasia #tensionedfabricroofing #patiosolutions #shade #fabricshadestructures #shadesasiaphuket #patioroofing #beautifulpatios
Everyone loves the “marine look” of our timber & stainless steel columns. We design, we fabricate, we install, and we ship …. anywhere! #timbercolumns #shadesasia #tensionedfabricroofing #patiosolutions #shade #fabricshadestructures #shadesasiaphuket #patioroofing #beautifulpatios